Brooklyn - Queens - Bronx - Manhattan

The Official NYC Toys for Tots Campaign

Toys for Tots Coordinator
SSgt Raul Pillco

The Local Impact

Bklyn,Queens, Bronx, NYC during 2023

Toys Distributed
Children Supported

Applications for Toys are now closed.
We are currently reconciling requests to confirm appplications.

In matters pertaining to the NYC Toys for Tots Campaign you should be talking directly with an Active Duty Marine. If you are not dealing with an Active Duty Marine, chances are you are not doing business with the official campaign.

The Staten Island Toys for Tots Campaign is ran by veterans of the Marine Corps League in Staten Island.

Our campaign is not affiliated nor employs any vehicles that have Toys for Toys logo stickers on them. 

Please contact 888-848-2596 or email if you have any questions or concerns.  
Campaign Updates As Of 8/29/2023
As of 10/15/2023 we are accepting application for Toy Drive Collection Events for organizations in the NYC area.

How can you help?

Donating Toys
  • We will try to drop off boxes to as many places as we can, but due to limited manpower, you may need to pick up the boxes from our location at Floyd Bennet Field.
  • Boxes are available for pickup at 1 Aviation Rd Brooklyn NY 11234.
Monetary Donations

In order to make a monetary donation to the New York City Toys For Tots campaign:
1.  You can donate on the website by clicking here,  Please make sure your donation is directed to NY-Brooklyn.

2.  All checks need to be made out to “Toys For Tots” and mailed to:

Attn: SSgt Raul Pillco, TFT Coordinator
         1 Aviation Rd
         Brooklyn NY 11234

3.  Forward any questions or concerns to 

Volunteer To Become Toy Drop Site

1.  Click on  "Get Involved".
2.  You will be able to request to become a "Drop Site" and have boxes at your organization in order to collect toys for the season.
3.  All toys must be turned into warehouse no later than December 15, 2023.  

Host a Toys for Tots Event

In order to distribute the toys to the children of New York City in a timely manner,  the last day the Marines will be able to support community events is December 15, 2023. Requesting for toy pick is different from hosting an event and can be completed by requesting to become a 'toy drop site.'

                                                                                                                   Important Information and Dates
Individual Families
  • Should register with a local non-profit agency/organization that is located in their area. We will be updating with a list of approved non-profit agencies that are accepting individual families.

Non-Profit Agencies/Organizations
  • Everyone who has successfully submitted a toy request form will receive a control number. Please bring a valid non-profit ID number, control number and proof of identification. Please be advised that everyone may not get the amount of toys they requested. The need is great and we are doing our best to accommodate everyone! The hours of operation is Novemeber 15th to December 22nd 9:00 am-4:00pm. November 30th is the last day for non-profit agencies to register.  
Toy Drop Locations
  • Due to the overwhelming support of the community and staff shortage, we will not be able to deliver boxes to all drop locations. We would grealty appreciate if you can pick up boxes from 1 Aviation Rd Brooklyn NY 11234. Hours: M-T-W-T-F : 8:00am - 3:00pm.

Click Below

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